Contributions and Mass Intentions
Contributions Towards Church Maintenance and Running Costs
The Church depends on your generosity to sustain its daily operations. In addition to collection by the Stewards (Wardens) during masses, parishioners and others who wish to support the church can now send in their contributions online via PayNow. Those who prefer may also send in their cheques or submit their donations using the envelopes and collection boxes located in church premises.
1. Steps to Support the Church with PayNow
To support the Church with your kind donation through PayNow Internet Banking with the following steps:
Step 1: Select bank transfer
Step 2: Key in Parish UEN No. T08CC4040D
Step 3: Check Name – Church of St Anthony
Step 4: Key in Amount
Step 5: Key in reference – Mass Collection
More details on how to use Paynow
Note that the steps may be slightly different depending on the bank and whether the payment is via an app or a laptop or PC. Here are more details on how to use PayNow
2. Support the Church by Cash or Cheque
Alternatively, you can issue a cheque and mail to the Parish Office at this address:
Church of St Anthony
25 Woodlands Avenue 1
Singapore 739064
Telephone: 6368 3804
Cash can be still donated by calling the Parish Office at 63683804 or via envelopes and collection boxes located in church premises.
Mass Intentions
Mass intentions may be offered online via PayNow or using mass offering envelopes and collection boxes located in church premises. Intentions may also be made in the Parish Office during office hours.
1. Mass Intentions via PayNow
Please send the mass intentions through email and state clearly the name, intention, date of the mass and requester contact number. Mass offering is $10 per name and per Mass. Intentions must be submitted 1 week in advance.
For the mass stipends, please use PayNow, and the “Reference” please key in Mass Stipend – Requester’s name. Send a screenshot with the email if possible for easy reference.
Email for Mass Intentions:
PayNow Steps for Mass Stipends:
Step 1: Select Pay & Transfer – PayNow
Step 2: Select UEN – Key in Parish UEN No. T08CC4040D
Step 3: Check Name – Church of St Anthony
Step 4: Key in amount
Step 5: Key in reference “Mass Stipends – Name of Requester”
2. Mass Intentions via Envelopes
Mass intentions may also be made by filling out the details on envelopes available at various places in church premises or the Parish Office. The sealed envelopes may be deposited in the collection boxes in church or handed over to the Parish Office.
3. Mass Intentions for Special Feasts
Mass intentions may be offered on special feasts such as the Church’s feast days or All Soul’s Day. Details will be provided in our social media channels.
Other Contributions
Please contact the Parish Office directly at 6368 3804 for all other contributions.