Executive Committee (EXCO) of the Church of St Anthony

Welcome to the Executive Committee (EXCO) of the Church of Singapore

“I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength for my work. I thank him for considering me worthy and appointing me to serve him.”  1 Timothy 1:12

About Us

The Executive Committee or EXCO of the Church of St Anthony is one of the 3 arms of the Parish Pastoral Council which includes the PPC, EXCO and the Parish Assembly. EXCO serves to discern, plan and execute pastoral plans based on the pastoral needs of the church which the PPC determines from surveys and inputs from the Parish Assembly.

We work under the direction of the Parish Priest who is President of both PPC and EXCO and we work with the ministries, focus groups or Keystones, communities and other church entities to execute plans, events and programs in the best possible way and to ensure that all our key organisations are on the same page and are involved in the deliberations and planning.

We direct our efforts towards the realisation of the Vision and Mission of the Church of St Anthony by ensuring our events and programs include at least one of 3 keythrusts – forming disciples, building community bonds and facilitating God encounters.

Vision of the Church of St Anthony: “A Participative Christ-centred Community of Disciples Building the Kingdom of God.”

Mission of the Church of St Anthony: “To invite and facilitate God-encounters and to build Christ-centred communities.”

Our Calendar

There are currently no calendar to share.

Our Gallery

Contact Us

You may contact us via email at ppcexco@saint-anthony.org

Support Services & Request For Support

EXCO serves the Parish Priest and the PPC and works with other groups such as the ministries, our communities and the keystones to execute our pastoral plans.

Resources & Forms

There are currently no forms to share.