Weekly Updates for the Church of St Anthony (Updated Feb 14, 2025)

The Presentation, Year C, Gospel of Matthew

Mass Intentions and Contributions

  • For mass intentions and contributions to the upkeep of the Church of St Anthony Singapore via PayNow please visit https://saint-anthony.org/paynow/ for more details including UEN and what to enter as payment references so that we know what your contributions are for.

Guide to this post: This is a one-stop post for the latest news and updates from Church of St Anthony, Singapore. Please revisit weekly for the latest updates. Updates are uploaded between Thurs and Sat morning each week.

  • Part 1: Updates and important notes for the week
  • Part 2: Summary of Masses, Private Worship, Devotions and Sacrament of Reconciliation by Day of the Week

Part 1: Updates and Important Notes for the week

REQUEST FOR PRAYERS (CONFIRMATION) – Please pray for our 38 youths and 1 adult who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on 22 February 2025.

COLLECTION OF OLD PALMS – We are collecting old palms. Please remove any plastic/paper bags before placing it in the basket provided at the Foyer. Thank you

AV TEAM RECRUITMENT – We’re looking for more hands to help with the Weekday Mass AV Team! This team ensures the audio visual needs for our 6:30pm weekday Mass. No prior experience is needed as training will be provided! If you would like to serve in this simple yet meaningful way, we’d love to have you. Contact us at csa.avministry@gmail.com for more information.

RECRUITMENT FOR SUNDAY 5.30 PM CHOIR – Come and join us to sing for the Lord. Call Carol at 97989828 or Rita at 97577856.

PARISH EMERGENCY PREPARDNESS TEAM – As we work to build our Parish Emergency Preparedness Team (PEPT), we invite parishioners who are doctors, nurses, medics, or firefighters to join us. For more details on how you can help, please email operations@saint-anthony.org or call the Parish Office 63683804

GUIDED MEDITATIONS – Feb 21, 2025, 8 PM at Mt Tabor (5th Floor, The Fireplace). Come and join us in person.

LENTEN REFLECTIONS – This Lent, join a bible sharing group to learn more about the Sunday Readings. Please visit https://bit.ly/LentenR?r=qr for more details and schedules. Brought to you by the Adoracion de Jesus Ministry.

DIVINE OFFICE – QUIET TIME ON ZOOM – Join the Adoracion de Jesus ministry for Vespers and Compline prayers on Zoom on Mondays and Thursdays, Jan 6 to Feb 27 from 8-9PM and spend some time in quiet prayer. Do check the ministry’s calendar in case of changes in schedules – https://saint-anthony.org/prayer/adoracion-de-jesus.
Meeting ID: 859 7950 7462 | Passcode: 378917.

JUST A CLOSER WALK WITH JESUS – Join our small groups as we take walks in the park every 1st Monday of the month at 9.00 AM and share on scripture as we walk. Please register at https://bit.ly/CloserWalkwJesus. See you!



AN INVITATION TO JOIN THE ST TERESA’S PRAYER GROUP -St Teresa’s Prayer Group is a new intercessory prayer group, meeting weekly in church to pray for the sick and dying. Those interested, register at https://bit.ly/JoinStTeresaPG 

GUIDE FOR THE FINAL JOURNEY – The passing of a loved one can be emotional. It is a busy time with important matters to handle at such a short notice. To help the family prepare the final journey of their loved one, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore has published a Guide for the Final Journey. Funerals are often a time of distress for the family and funeral arrangements under these circumstances can be challenging to coordinate. For detailed information of the Guide, please refer to http://www.catholic.sg/guide-for-the-final-journey/

AV RECRUITMENT – Come join our Mass Slides Team as you find a way to serve God. No prior experience is needed to join this team. We are looking for hearts willing and able to commit to help us put together the slides that you see during our Holy Masses. Do contact Michelle at 8686 0239.

REMINDER – Please help to keep our parish clean. Please clear all your tissue papers etc. before leaving the church hall.

Scripture Reflection for Sunset and Sunday Masses, Feasts and Solemnities – Please refer to the following link: https://www.catholic.sg/archbishop/scripture-reflection/ for the Cardinal’s reflections of the day.

Activities and Events in the Archdiocese
  1. LANDINGS – Thinking about starting your journey back to the Church? It’s time to answer the call. LANDINGS, a reconciliation ministry built for returning Catholics, is conducting a 10-week programme at two locations –
    Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (OLPS): Tues 8pm – 10pm beginning 4 Mar 2025.
    Cathedral of the Good Shepherd (CGS):
    Fri 7.30pm – 9.30pm, beginning 7 Mar – 30 May with a weekend Retreat.
  2. CENACLE PROGRAM, FRIENDSGIVING: Praying Our Friendships – 21-23 February 2025 @ Bintan. Friendship is a sacrament of God’s love and a gift. In this uniquely crafted retreat, you are to bring a friend (could be a family member, a colleague, etc) and celebrate this gift together. You will also discover how Jesus continues to draw you into a deeper friendship with Him. For enquiries, best to email them at cenaclesingapore@gmail.com.
  3. PRO-BONO COUNSELLING – Catholic Family Life is providing pro-bono counselling services to anyone who requires support We encourage you to reach out if you feel the need for support during difficult times. Let us strengthen our community through care and solidarity. To make an appointment, please contact us by phone at 66318963 or email at pbc@familylife.sg
  4. VERBUM DEI FAMILY CAMP – Come away to experience a fun and faith-filled adventure for the whole family in the upcoming March 2025 school holidays! Hear from fellow Catholic parents while kids have a parallel programme. Participate in a special campfire! Register early (via link below) on a first-come, first-served basis at https://tinyurl.com/VdeiFC2025. 15 – 17 MARCH 2025, HARRIS RESORT WATERFRONT, BATAM
  5. PIETA – PIETA is a support group for bereaved parents who have united in faith to seek God’s comfort, wisdom and hope. A monthly session, run by bereaved parents, is held to pray, reflect and break open the WORD OF GOD. We invite any parent who has lost a child (regardless of age and no matter how recent or long ago) to unite with us in faith.  If you wish to join us, please email us directly at pieta.singapore@gmail.com. Please email us for directions. Our contact details are: Email: pieta.singapore@gmail.com Facebook: https://facebook.com/PietaSingapore website: https://www.PietaSingapore.org  The next session will be on Tues, Jan 21, 2025 from 7.30 PM to 9.15 PM on zoom. Please email them for the Zoom link.
  6. CATHOLIC PRAYER SOCIETY’S LUNCH TIME MASSES IN THE CITY 1. Medical Alumni Association, 2 College Road, Level 1 Theatrette, S169850, every Wed. 12.15 PM 2. Cecil Building, 137  Cecil Street Level 4, S049712, every Wed, 12.15pm 3. One Raffles Quay, level 49 North Tower, S048583, every Friday, 12.15pm More details at – http://www.cps.org.sg
  7. OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PRO-LIFE ROSARY – The Our Lady of Guadalupe Pro-life Rosary is a beautiful way to pray for the unborn children and all who are affected by abortion. Join us in prayer on the 12th of every month @ 8.30 PM on Zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89300173624?pwd=VmFIempzVGMreFc2VjVqNW5NUWdzQT09 Meeting ID: 893 0017 3624 Passcode: 121224

Opportunities for Group Prayer, Adoration or Contemplation

  1. 7 LILIES DEVOTION TO ST ANTHONY– Every Tuesday 7:00pm to 7.20pm at the Church Hall.  All are welcome to join us!  Devotion will start after Mass.
  2. DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION – The devotion to the Divine Mercy will be prayed before masses on Sunday at 5.00PM and Fridays at 6.00PM except for 1st Fridays of the month which are dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Be part of the Divine Mercy Group by calling 80609570.
  3. PROMOTING CNCS (CATHOLIC NEIGHBOURHOOD COMMUNITIES)  – We are revamping how we organise our CNCs. Whether you are new to our parish or not, everyone is welcome to join our CNCs. Sign up at https://bit.ly/CSACNCs.

Opportunities to Serve in Church

  1. CHOIR RECRUITMENT – The Sunday 11.15 AM Mass Choir is looking for more voices to join them. No prior music training is required but there will be a short audition. For enquiries, please contact Allison at 98550103.
  2. ALTAR SERVERS RECRUITMENT 2024 – Attention boys aged 9 and above! Are you feeling a call to join our ministry of servers? Ever watched those in white robes up on the altar and wished you could be like them? Well, now’s your chance to join them! Experience the privilege of assisting during Mass and growing in your faith alongside fellow servers! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to serve the Lord and answer His calling! Please register at the link at: https://tinyurl.com/serversapplication.
  3. Recruitment for Teochew Prayer Group – This group prays together on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and also at wakes.  For enquiries, please call Andy: 9636 6223, Tris: 9721 7362 or Theresa: 9277 7725.
  4. Recruitment for Stewards at the Banquet – Stewards, our hospitality ministers (called wardens in other churches) are looking for more help. Please call 9363-2657 or approach any Steward before or after mass if you are considering helping out in church. Come and develop a closer relationship with the Lord by serving him and his people as a Steward. We share on Scripture before mass and have monthly prayer night and fellowship as well as an annual get together to know one another better.
  5. Recruitment for the Sunset Mass Choir, Cosa Angelica. Practices are at 3.30 PM @ St Lucy’s room. For details please contact Gerard at 94509972 or Audrey at 90129357.
  6. Sunday 5.30 PM Choir Recruitment – Please call Carol at 97989828 or Rhea at 96173476.
  7. AV Ministry – The AV Ministry works behind the scenes to ensure that all audio visual assets and processes needed during masses and also parish events, work towards helping our parishioners participate fully. Come and experience the joy of serving the Lord in this particular way by joining the ministry. Interested parishioners who are 13 and above are welcome to register by calling Mary-Ann at 9353 3446 or by sending an email to csa.avministry@gmail.com.
  8. Recruitment for the Liturgical Life and Worship Team (LLW)This team plans and coordinates liturgical events in our parish and they would like to invite parishioners to join the team. LLW works with all the other liturgical ministries to ensure the smooth and proper running of liturgical events such as Feast Day masses and processions. To register your interest please fill in the form at https://bit.ly/LLWrecruitment.
  9. BECOME A RCIA SPONSOR/FACILITATOR – Your faith journey doesn’t have to be alone. Come, journey with our new intake of RCIA inquirers (Jan 2025 – Jul 2026).  Indicate your interest at: https://www.bit.ly/RCIASPONSOR
  10. SSVP is recruiting for more members to serve the needy. Please contact Mary @ 93250060.

Opportunities to Care for those in Need

  1. Contributions towards Saint Vincent De Paul (SSVP). The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) seeks your generous contributions to sustain their ministerial work for the less fortunate. Their donation box has been shifted to the basement carpark, just next to the elevator as you all exit the Church. Do drop your donations into this box. There will be a second collection in church every 1st weekend of the month for SSVP.

Opportunities to Contribute Towards the Vision of the Archdiocese

  1. GIFT Programme. On every 3rd weekend of the month, there will be a call for contributions for GIFT (Giving in Faith & Thankfulness) programme to build a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. Support the organizations and projects of the Archdiocese by making a monthly pledge. Or, give via PayNow (UEN: 201231391K). GIRO forms, cheques or cash can be sealed into GIFT envelopes and dropped into any of the Donation boxes. For more information on GIFT and more, visit catholicfoundation.sg

Overall Summary of Masses, Sacraments, Devotions and Adoration

  1. Sacrament of Reconciliation – the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be made available for all at the church hall reconciliation rooms, 15 minutes before every mass and will end when mass begins.
  2. Rosary in English – Every Saturday from 4th Nov – 30th Dec at 5.00pm before the Mass begins. All are invited to join the Legion of Mary (LOM) to pray the rosary as a family!
  3. Devotion to the Divine Mercy. Sundays at 5.00 PM just before the 5.30 PM Mass.
  4. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, every first Friday of the month, after the 6.30 PM Mass.

Part 2: Summary of Masses, Private Worship, Devotions and Sacrament of Reconciliation by Day of the Week

Public Holidays Weekday masses that fall on public holidays will be at 7.30 AM instead of the regular timing of 6.30 PM. Please check this post or the bulletin for updates.


  1. Weekday Mass in English at 6.30 PM in church.


  1. Weekday Mass in English at 6.30 PM in church.
  2. Devotion to St Anthony – The ‘7 Lilies’ devotion to St Anthony is after the evening mass from 7.00 PM to 7.20 PM in the church hall.


  1. Weekday Mass in English at 6.30 PM in church.


  1. Weekday Mass in English at 6.30 PM in church.


  1. Weekday Mass in English at 6.30 PM in church.
  2. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, every first Friday of the Month, after the 6.30 PM Mass.
  3. Devotion to the Divine Mercy at 6.00 PM before the 6.30 PM mass, every other Friday except the first Friday of the Month.


  1. Sacrament of Reconciliation is available 15 mins before mass and ends when mass starts
  2. Sunset mass in English at 5.30 PM in church.
  3. Mass in Malayalam at 7.30 PM in church on the Eve of every 1st Sunday of the Month
  4. Mass in Tamil at 7.30 PM in church on the Eve of every 2nd Sunday of the Month
  5. Mass in Tagalog at 7.30 PM on the Eve of every 4th Sunday of the Month

Please refer to the bulletin for updates and the actual dates for each month. Sunday

  1. Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available 15 mins before mass.
  2. Mass in Mandarin in church at 7.30 AM on the 1st and 2nd Sunday of the Month. Gates close just before mass starts and late comers will not be admitted due to pre-mass preparations.
  3. Mass in English at 9.15 AM, 11.15 AM and 5.30 PM.
  4. Devotion to the Divine Mercy at 5.00 PM before the 5.30 PM mass.
Adoration at Mt Tabor on Level 5.
  1. Mondays to Saturdays 8.00 AM – 9.30 PM
  2. Sundays 6.00 AM to 9.30 PM
  3. Please switch off the lights and air-conditioning if there is no one else in the room after you leave.