Music Ministry
“Music (is) capable of opening minds and hearts to the dimension of the spirit and of leading persons to raise their gaze on High, to open to absolute Goodness and Beauty, which have their ultimate source in God.” Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI
About Us
Our Music Ministry, like other ministries at Church of St Anthony, contributes to the mission of the Parish, to invite and facilitate God-encounters and build Christ-centered communities.
Our contribution to our church’s mission is mainly through leading and engaging the congregation to actively participate in the Eucharistic celebrations through the singing of hymns or the reflection of the word in the hymns. This is pursued with the aim of helping them enter into the experience of the life, death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ in the Eucharistic celebrations every Sunday.
There are 5 choirs under the umbrella of the Music Ministry. Our choirs consist of parishioners who give their time, talent, and commitment in service to our parish community in support of the liturgical celebrations, bringing beautiful and sacred music to our church.
The Music Ministry coordinates the services of 5 choirs under its umbrella to provide choir support to masses on Sunday and also feasts and solemnities and other special masses. There are four choirs serving regular weekend masses namely:
Sunset Mass – COSA Angelica Choir
Sunday, 9.15 AM – Shepherd’s Voice Choir
Sunday, 11.15 AM – St Cecilia’s Choir*
Sunday, 5.30 PM – Disciples Chorus Choir
There are other choirs belonging to the Ethnic Communities and the Youth in the Church of St Anthony but these serve masses in their respective communities.
- – previous Celestial Chorus Choir
Our Calendar
There are currently no calendars from music ministry.
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Contact Us
You may contact us via email at
The Music Ministry oversees the various English Choirs in the church. There is only 1 chair person in the ministry who liaises with the Liturgical Team of the parish and the other ministries via the Events Keystone on behalf of all the constituent choirs.
- COSA Angelica (Saturday 5.30pm)
- Shepherd’s Voice (Sunday 9.15am)
- St Cecilia’s Choir* (Sunday – 11.15am)
- Disciple Chorus (Sun 5.30pm)
All ensembles also combine and sing for Special High Masses (like Easter Vigil Mass) and other Para-liturgical events throughout the year.
- – previously Celestial Chorus
No information on meetings.
We welcome new members from ages 7 and older – music reading skills are helpful, but not necessary. If you are interested in joining the choir, through singing or playing an instrument (especially the organ), please send us an email at stating the mass you would like to sing in and we will arrange for the choirmaster of that mass to contact you.
Support Services & Request For Support
The Music Ministry only supports weekend masses, feast and solemnities and other important liturgical events in the church.
Resources & Forms
There are no forms currently.