Filipino Community
“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” – 1 Peter 4:10

About Our Logo
The symbolism behind our logo include:
- The gray hand symbolises the hand of our God the Father.
- The Cross symbolises that Jesus Christ is at the center of the community.
- The 3 colours, Blue, Red. White symbolise the 3 main regions (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) in the Philippines
- The green area represents a Christ-centered community
- The Sun symbolises the 5 important aspects of the Vision and Mission of the community.
- FilComSAPP is an abbreviation of the full name of the community which is the “Filipino Community of St. Anthony of Padua Parish ( Singapore)”
About Us
FILCOMSAPP or the “Filipino Community of St. Anthony of Padua Parish ( Singapore)” is a community formed for the Filipino parishioners to bring and unite migrant Filipinos to Christ.
To be vibrant Filipinos united with the Church in building Christ-centered community.
To strengthen the devotion of Filipino migrants, through faith formation and by becoming significant members of the community, through active participation in various programs of the church.
FilcomSAPP’s core activities include:
- 3rd Sunday Tagalog Mass
- Monthly Block Rosary
- FilcomSAPP Annual Meeting
- Simbang Gabi
- Flores De Mayo ( May Flower in honor to Mother Mary)
- Lenten Recollection
We lend our support to parish level events such as:
- Canteen Community fellowship ( Canteen Duty)
- Wake Duty
- Stewardship Fair
- St. Anthony’s Feast Day
Our Calendar
There are currently no calendars to share.
Our Gallery
Contact Us
You may contact us via email at or connect with us at the FilcomSAPP Facebook Page.
FilcomSAPP is lead by a group of 7 office bearers:
- Chairman
- Vice Chairman
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Asst. Treasurer
- Events Coordinator
Within FilcomSAPP, there are individual liturgical ministries that look after the running of masses in Tagalog.
- Altar-servers
- Lectors
- Stewards in the Banquet ( wardens)
- Music Ministry
- Audio/ Video (AV)
- Fellowship
The office bearers meet once a month.
Please send us an email to
Support Services & Request For Support
FilcomSAPP provides support to parish level events only.
Resources & Forms
There are no forms at this time.