Audio Visual Team

We come so that the blind may see; the deaf may hear the Word of God.”  Isaiah 42:18

About The Audio Visual Team

The Church of Saint Anthony’s Audio Visual Team was established in 2003 after the church renovations which included an audio-visual system to enhance the overall experience of the Eucharistic celebration. Through the years we have grown to provide in-depth services and a better experience for parishioners to engage themself in the presence of God. The Ministry also provides audio-visual support to all church events (worship, weddings, funerals, Ministry Support, etc.) and special events such as workshops, training programs, etc. held at The Church of St Anthony.

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Contact Us

You may contact us via email at

Support Services & Request For Support

For ministries or other groups requesting for AV support for their events

  • Request to be submitted 4 weeks or more in advance to facilitate manpower and resources planning.
  • Request to be made via Parish Office, once booking is made, to email our ministry at