Home Communion or Communion for the Home Bound
Home Communion may be given to those who are homebound, either permanently or temporarily due to illness or recuperation from surgery.
Home Communion Procedures for the Church of St Anthony
- Please contact the Parish Office to request for home communion.
- Be prepared to provide the details of the homebound person such as name, contact details, address and additional information to facilitate arrangements.
- The Church will assign a minister who will first contact the homebound or the caregivers to understand the needs and situation of the homebound and his/her caregivers and to select an appropriate schedule. The Body of Christ is brought to the homebound immediately after a mass.
- The minister may be from the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) Ministry or from other ministries such as the Legion of Mary (LOM) and persons appointed to be home communion ministers.
- Homebound persons requiring Anointing of the Sick or the Sacrament of Reconciliation may contact the Parish Office or make their requests to the minister.

John 6:33 “For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”