For First Time Visitors to our Church
Do you happen to travel to Singapore to visit a friend or relative and this is the first time that you are visiting our church? We warmly welcome you and have created this page to help you with some of the queries that you may have.
Is this your first time visiting our church?
We warmly welcome you to Church of Saint Anthony !
You may also check out our Facilities here. Our pastoral services can be found in the Main Menu under Pastoral Services.
You may approach the priests themselves or the Parish Office for your prayer request. Alternatively, you may put in your prayer request through our website’s ‘Prayer Request‘ page and our church prayer groups will look into it.
As we need to maintain silence and reverence before, during and after the Eucharistic celebration in church, we encourage all parents to bring their babies to the crying room at the entrance of the church hall if they posed too much of a distraction to the rest of the parishioners during the celebration. Inside the room, you are still able to view the celebration and participate in it.
Please note that the crying room is for parents to bring a child who is noisy and not a room for the whole family to attend mass in. The rest of the family should be in the church hall if possible.
Prior to COVID, our church has a children’s liturgy catered to children between the ages of 4 to 7 years old on every 4th Sunday of each month, whereby the meaning of the scripture readings for that Sunday is imparted to them at their level. However, it is only a half hour session and they will be brought back to you during the Eucharistic celebration. The Children’s Liturgy is currently suspended.
No, you will generally not be asked to stand and/or identify yourself as a visitor to the church. However, suspicious persons/behavior may alert our security/safety teams to approach such persons for clarification to ensure the safety of all church visitors.
There is no obligation for anyone to offer money during the collection. However, it is a Catholic custom and tradition to offer money during the Eucharistic celebration as all churches need funds for running expenses and maintenance. All contributions from non-Catholics are much appreciated.
If you are a non-believer and would like to know more about our faith, there is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult process that every Catholic Church provides. The details can be found in the Ministries & Groups section under RCIA (English) or if your preferred language is Mandarin, we also offer RCIA in Mandarin although the latter is currently being held with the parish of St Joseph’s Church in Bukit Timah. For enquiries please send and email to them or contact the Parish Secretary.
You do not need to be a baptised Catholic to be present in our mass or worship. We welcome you warmly but ask our non-Catholic visitors to remain quiet and be reverent and respectful while in the church hall.
Only baptized Catholics can receive Holy Communion. Non-Catholics are not in communion with the Catholic Church and cannot receive Holy Communion.
We receive Holy Communion to follow the command of the Lord at the Last Supper when he instituted the Holy Eucharist.
Catholics believe that the Holy Eucharist is the actual Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ because that is what Christ said It is, “This is my body……This is my blood” (Matt. 26:26-28; Luke 22:19-20; Mark 14:22-24). Also, because Christ said, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you have no life in you….” (John 6:48-52; 54-56), and because this is what the Apostle believed, “The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?” (1 Cor. 10:16)
Being a Roman Catholic Church, majority of our worshippers are Catholics who celebrates the Eucharistic celebration on a daily basis and also during the weekends. However, we do have a small minority of Christians and non-believers who are invited by their Catholic friends to observe the celebrations.
One should dress modestly and appropriately to church at any given time as a sign of reverence to God as you are entering into a sacred place of worship.
Approximately 1 hour 15 minutes.
Please refer to our Mass & Devotions page for the schedule and timing.
Yes. Our Church Building is handicap accessible. We have a ramp for wheelchairs from level 2 to the church hall and lifts from the basement car park to level 2 where the church foyer is located as well as the upper levels of the church building and the Annex or Fireplace.
Limited parking lots are available in the church car park on level 1 (basement) and on level 2. Alternatively parking is also available at the following:
- Woodgrove Centre opposite the church.
- HDB carparks that are behind our church.
Do not park outside the church along Avenue 1 or risk a parking ticket. Our car parks may be closed to facilitate major Feast Days and Solemnities and other major events.
You may refer to our Directions to Church page for travelling instructions.