Organisation – An Overview
This page is a summary of the Organisation of the Church of St Anthony. More details on the different components in this organisation such as the ministries, groups and keystones may be found in the Ministries & Groups section.
The Church of St Anthony comprises the Parish Priest, assistant priests, parish staff and lay organisations who work under their direction to serve the community.
The Parish Priest is Fr Ignatius Yeo and the Assistant Priest is Fr Gerard Weerakoon. Fr Cyril Lee (retired) is our priest in residence.
The Parish Staff include:
- Facilities and Operations Manager
- Parish Secretary
- Facilities Officer
The lay organizations working with our priests include the Parish Pastoral Council, EXCO, Ethnic Communities, Catholic Neighbourhood Groups and the Ministries and the Parish Finance Council.
The Parish Priest is president of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) which includes an executive arm called EXCO or Executive Community and the Parish Assembly. He discusses and consults with the PPC and EXCO on pastoral matters and makes the final decisions.
The PPC seeks to understand the pastoral needs of the community through the involvement of its members in the ministries, through surveys and finally by organizing Parish Assemblies where input from the community is taken in for consideration.
EXCO is the executive arm of the PPC and implements and initiates events and programs to meet those pastoral needs. It is formed by leaders of focus groups called Keystones as well as other members who take on the role of pastoral leads, each of whom look after the pastoral and logistical needs of a group of similar ministries. The Parish Priest remains the Spiritual Director of all the ministries. There are six planned keystones of which the Youth Keystone, Events Keystone and Communications and Publicity Keystone are currently active. The role of the Administration Keystone is now undertaken by Parish Staff.
All the 31 ministries, the ethnic communities and other groups are represented by their heads in the Events Keystone. The Events Keystone plans and organizes parish level events for each year. All parish activities must contribute to the Vision and Mission of our church by including in its planning at least one of 3 key thrusts, namely Forming Disciples, Building Community Bonds and Facilitating God Encounters which are themselves derived from the Vision and Mission statements, In this way, we are actively pursuing our long term vision in all that we do.
The Youth Keystone specialises in the nurturing the faith of our youth.
The formation needs of our ministries and parishioners are looked after by the Development Keystone which works with Fr Ignatius to determine the topics for talks and formation sessions. This keystone is currently inactive due to COVID restrictions.
The Communications and Publicity Keystone uses our online channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Church website and YouTube channels to reach out to our parishioners and beyond and to promote a sense of direction and a sense of belonging to our parish. It strives to make connections between people and church organizations and to evangelize through the sharing of Catholic media.
Details of all these various organizations may be found elsewhere on this website under Ministries and Groups. A more thorough explanation of the Vision and Mission of the Church may be found under ABOUT US and on the PPC page.