With this upgraded website and all our other online channels, we hope to reach out to more members of our community and connect as many members of community as possible, so we can be more and more like one church. However, we can’t reach everyone without your help. Please help our church by sharing this post or any of our channels with your friends and relatives or by sharing the content with those who are not online. Thank you!

In addition to this website, our online outreach channels include:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChurchOfSaintAnthony/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/church_of_st_anthony_singapore/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChurchofStAnthonySingapore

Website: https://www.saint-anthony.org/

Telegram Channel (Broadcasts only): Church of St Anthony Singapore
Telegram link: https://bit.ly/CSAtch

For help with any of our channels please email the Communications and Publicity Keystone at cpkeystone@saint-anthony.org