Restrictions on Events

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, future events will only be posted as restrictions permit. Thank you.

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The church will be open for private worship from 2.00 PM – 5.00 PM on Tue, July 7, 2020

You may register a slot for you and your family using this link:

which will be LIVE from 7.30 PM on Jul 4, 2020

Please note the following terms and conditions.

Each booking is for a 50-minute slot
Only one person should register on behalf of his/her family. Please check with your family members to prevent double booking.
Each ticket admits up to 5 persons from the same household
Be on time

The available time slots can be found in the link.

As seats are very limited and our volunteers sacrifice and time to make private worship available, please ensure that you are able to attend before registering.

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